Random Blog

Monday, January 29, 2007

A strange place to eat

Did you ever notice that people act totally different in restaurants?
Normally, everyone is rather keen on keeping their money. But when it comes down to pay things in a restaurant, they always start arguing who can spend their hard(ly) earned money.

Or that one time back then.
A family, mother, father and son, waiting for their food to be served. The little boy is naturally very unpleased about the subject of waiting. Due to the lack of any other entertainment he concludes that he should cause some mischief instead. This includes tossing forks at other guests, tripping up waiters or simply crying out loud for a change.

All this is of course not very well perceived by the parents and the other guest, particularly the guests with the forks sticking somewhere unconfortable in their body. The waiters don't really mind that much, because they get paid for all this stuff.

Usually the parents would just keep saying things like: "Shhh, sweetie, please be quiet" or "If you don't hush now you won't get any dessert afterwards". These sort of requests or threats are very obviousely entirely useless and the parents very often know that.
If they wouldn't be sitting in a restaurant they would just say: "Shut the **** up you sh****** brat. If you don't shut your ***** at once I'll ****** you with a ******* and ********* until you don't know where's up and down!!!!! Geez, damnit!!"

These are very inapproprte words to be set free in a peaceful average restaurant. Not because the restaurant itself would mind being the host for some serious swearing (the only buildings that do so are churches, they are really not that easy going if you ever get to talk to one), but the people within it would.
So the parents are restricted to the useless talk, and the little brat keeps producing noise and pain.

All this inevitably led to the invention of McDonalds where you can shove your kids in some small plastic playground if you get tired of them.

So long

PS: No, I don't have kids

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